Friday, March 15, 2013

Lemon and Almond Kale Salad

As I continue my struggle to get back into shape I am trying to increase my roughage intake.  I have decided that I like spinach, but I love kale! I had this simple salad at a restaurant over the weekend and this is my attempt to create my own lighter version.  Enjoy!

Lemon and Almond Kale Salad
*Yields about 2 cups
 *5 Weight Watcher points per serving

What you need:
- 2 cups of Kale, raw (remove stem)
- 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
- Juice from half a lemon (about 1-1.5 Tablespoons)
- 2 Tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 Tablespoons of sliced almonds (any kind will do - I have also used walnuts)

What to do:
1) Place kale in food processor and chop up until fine.  I have a small food processor so had to do this in batches.  You could also chop up with a knife. I just happen to like the texture after it has been through the food processor better. Remove kale and place in a medium sized bowl. 

2) Place the rest of the ingredients in the food processor.  I did not wash it out first.  Chop until mixed together well.  Remove mixture from food processor and place on top of greens.  The mixture is thick (see picture below) but once you start to toss the salad it will easily coat your kale.  

3)  Toss well and serve! 
Kale with topping after being taken out of food processor
but before being tossed. 

- I am trying to use a lot less oil in my cooking so I have cut the dressing down.  I think that this recipe could seem dry to some so please taste and add oil or more lemon to meet your desired consistency.  Just be careful if you choose to add more lemon as it is already a pretty strong flavor.  Additionally, the Parmesan cuts the lemon flavor nicely so if you are using a different amount or type of cheese that is something to keep in mind! 

- If you are doing weight watchers then I created the recipe with 1 full cup being a serving size! I told you I love my Kale!

1 comment:

  1. This looks ridic!! You definitely need to start coming to "bachelor" nights so we can remake some of these delicious recipes!!
